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The Vision

To proclaim the gospel and to equip God-fearing men to teach and disciple their families. 

In a culture that is becoming increasingly intolerant towards Jesus and the Church, where prayer and biblical instruction is no longer allowed in schools, and youth are confronted by ungodly secular worldviews every day, it has never been more crucial for men to step up and teach the Bible at home and disciple their children.

Mission & Purpose

To equip men to love their wives and children, to lead them, and to train them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 5:22 – 6:4). To encourage men in the truth that it is God’s design for the family that the husband should be his family’s priest, prophet, provider and protector, and to equip men with the training and tools they need in order to fulfill their calling and responsibility, even if they have never had any formal religious training or education.

About Me

My name is Nick Lotter. I am a sinner saved by God’s grace. I am a husband to Pam, and father to Daimon, Eden and Joseph. I served as an elder at Cambridge Baptist Church in East London from 2015 to 2023, when I decided to step down to focus on my family and this ministry. 

Why did I create this website and these resources?

In the middle ages the people desperately wanted access to the Bible, but the Roman Catholic Church denied them access, declaring that only the priests could interpret the Bible for them. Today, the Bible is the most widely distributed book in the world and the Church is encouraging all to take up the Bible and read. However, in an ironic twist, it is now the people who say that they can’t read and understand the Bible on their own and need another mediator – their pastor or favourite preachers – to interpret the Bible for them.

While I believe it to be the man’s responsibility and calling to lead and teach his family, I also want you to know that all – whether male or female, young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated – ALL can read and understand the Bible. It is not as intimidating as it seems. My mission is to provide you with the tools to avoid common mistakes people make when interpreting the Bible, and at the same time equip you with simple, easy to follow guides to help you find the true meaning of the passage and to understand and apply what the Bible teaches.

My prayer is that the Lord would use these resources to help you read and understand the Bible, so that through His Word, God would grow you, mature you, sharpen you, shape you and mold you and your family ever more into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Taken from the Port St. Johns airstrip while making a visit  and preaching at a small church in the town, 2017.

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